
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers


Welcome to our page about the best thing to happen to us since we became a family. Abigail is so amazing and I thank god everyday that she is in our life. Please leave comments, you do not need to have a account to leave comments just put as anonymous and if you want you can put your name. I love reading them.

Abigail Age

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


This is how you put on a sock. How to hug a dog, make sure you have the evil look.

How to hug Elmo, I love my Elmo he gets hugs every day.

Nap time with my favorite bear.

Yes it has been awhile since I posted pictures. You will notice that I am holding the dogs, but after the first hug they would not stay still for her to hug them so I held on to them so she could hug them.

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