
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers


Welcome to our page about the best thing to happen to us since we became a family. Abigail is so amazing and I thank god everyday that she is in our life. Please leave comments, you do not need to have a account to leave comments just put as anonymous and if you want you can put your name. I love reading them.

Abigail Age

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Outside play with the ball

oh and some dogs played as well.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Helping Bake Cookies

Couple of days ago I attempted to make cookies with Abi so we went with Snicker doodles (my favorite) but also figured it would be a good one to start with Abi on so she could but the sugar/cinnamon mixture on cookie dough. Unfortunately I didn't have the camera right away it would have been a cute picture cuz she looked a the ball of dough and right to the mouth it went. She didn't know what to do really so I was showing her and then i sprinkled some of the sugar mixture on and she got excited and started to throw down hand fulls on the plate, most landed on the counter but we did have our first backing experience together, may try again today. You really can't tell from the first picuter but she does like the cookie.

Monday, May 24, 2010

I'm 18 months!!!!!

Our sweet little girl is 18 months already, 1 1/2 so hard to believe that she is getting so big, she stands at 33 inches which is in the 90th % and weighs 24 lbs. The doctor told me that her weight is going to start to slow down and not to be surprised if she only gains 3 lbs in a year. Most of you already know she is such a picky eater seems like only half the time she will eat so you never know with her. She is also on the move constantly if she is sleeping that is the only time she stops. We go to story time each Tuesday and she is the center of the room showing off her dance skills and everyone is always laughing. She is very smart and knows what she is doing so watch out here comes Abigail.
Check out my hair how long it is.

Couple weeks with Abi

Abi was having fun tonight, Ozzy was not. She is really into touching and pushing the limits with him. He is a trooper and hasn't done anything yet to but run when he is done. If we need to keep Abi entertained we bring in the dogs, soon I think they will catch on and won't want to come in.

Look at her in her cap and glasses while at the zoo she did good at keeping them on.

I love this Picture of Abi as she looks like such a little girl not a baby, she is getting so big.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mothers Day

Weekend Pictures

Look at how tall she is getting, to me it seems like she has grown a lot in the last few weeks. I will find out next week. Don't know what she was doing but it was cute.
First slice of pizza by herself, pretty impressed she ate half of it.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers Day Stills

Last Sunday, I dressed Abigail up to take some pictures to get one for the Grandma's presents. These are the five that looked the best and the top one was the winner to place in there gift for them. Happy Mothers Day Mom and Alice We love you.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to My Mom, Mother-in-law & Friends.
Hard to believe this was Abi last mothers day man has she grown. She still has that same smile that you just smile right along with her.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Little miss active

Ok so this first picture doesn't look like she is active but this is after she had crawled up into the chair by herself. She is now getting up on any piece of furniture that is close enough for her to crawl up onto. The second is of her crawling up into the chair.

mmm Cheese puffs ( a form of popcorn without the kernels) I left them on the table and she got a hold of them and mmmm are they good.

Another thing we have figured out is how to crawl out of her crib it took her 2 trys. The first time she got stuck with one leg on top the next time I caught her just as she was ready to fall as she was on top of the rail. Thank god we were able to lower it to the last setting and this is the next day when I went to get her up from her nap. She was not to happy since she can't get out on her own. Side note she isn't going to her toddler bed yet makes me happy not ready for her to be in a big bed. Now I need to make sure she cant crawl out of her play pen (that is her bed when we are away from home) and going to be in SD for a few weeks this summer so I hope she can't get out of that.

Out Walking

Ever since she has learned to walk that is all she likes to do. Often we walk to the mailbox together and she does good until you try to redirect her than she lets me know how she feels about it. Here a some of us going to get the mail together.