
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers


Welcome to our page about the best thing to happen to us since we became a family. Abigail is so amazing and I thank god everyday that she is in our life. Please leave comments, you do not need to have a account to leave comments just put as anonymous and if you want you can put your name. I love reading them.

Abigail Age

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, May 24, 2010

I'm 18 months!!!!!

Our sweet little girl is 18 months already, 1 1/2 so hard to believe that she is getting so big, she stands at 33 inches which is in the 90th % and weighs 24 lbs. The doctor told me that her weight is going to start to slow down and not to be surprised if she only gains 3 lbs in a year. Most of you already know she is such a picky eater seems like only half the time she will eat so you never know with her. She is also on the move constantly if she is sleeping that is the only time she stops. We go to story time each Tuesday and she is the center of the room showing off her dance skills and everyone is always laughing. She is very smart and knows what she is doing so watch out here comes Abigail.
Check out my hair how long it is.

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