
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers


Welcome to our page about the best thing to happen to us since we became a family. Abigail is so amazing and I thank god everyday that she is in our life. Please leave comments, you do not need to have a account to leave comments just put as anonymous and if you want you can put your name. I love reading them.

Abigail Age

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Princess

Two years ago today we were at the hospital getting ready to meet our sweat little girl. Who has kept us entertained and busy. We had her 2 year party today and her are just a couple of pictures for now. I just wanted to say,
I love you Princess I could not ask for a better little girl.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wish we were there to help you celebrate your birthday but i am sure with uncle rich and your young friends you had a great day just watching you for a hour on our computer you are a energetic little girl and looks like you keep mom and dad busy with your toys and movements keep it up love the south dakota bunch